Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend Memo: Wal-Mart Pulls Inventory of Phallus-Shaped Fun Straws After Kentucky Mother Complains to A Company Official

A Kentucky mother was outraged during a recent shopping trip that her favorite neighborhood Wal-Mart store stocked fun straws for beverage drinking shaped like a male phallus.

After she called Wal-Mart to complain, she told local television station WSAZ, "They were very rude with me about it. They acted like I was lying, like I was making it all up. You know, I would never make something up like that, especially about my little girl. (Apparently her young daughter asked her about the phallus-shaped straws.) But, that's how they treated me and it's just not right."

After learning of the incident, WSAZ decided to launch an investigation into the matter at hand, so to speak. The station contacted a Wal-Mart corporate spokesperson and informed her of the phallus-shaped straw situation.

After investigating the "matter," the Wal-Mart spokesperson issued a statement to WSAZ. Wal-Mart's statement: "At Wal-Mart we take customer concerns and complaints seriously. After being contacted on this matter, Wal-Mart has pulled the product in question from our shelves and is investigating the claim. Of course, our customer is welcome to return the item for a refund, if they would like."

So, it seems that both the Kentucky mother and Wal-Mart decided to take an item named a "fun straw" seriously. At least the fun straw category buyer for Wal-Mart has a good sense of humor--and perhaps even a keen eye for the next "big" thing in the plain-Jane drinking straw category.

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