Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Frolic - Memo to Ashton Kutcher - Follow-Up: Will Ashton Kutcher Get 'PUNKED' On Twitter? More on Our Kutcher-Whole Foods Market Challenge

Ashton Kutcher now has over 1 million followers on Twitter. But he is only following 80 of them at present. Can there really only be 80 people out of a million of interest to the self-described social media lover and devoted Twitter-user? Sort of gives a new meaning to the old phrase: "one in a million."

Earlier today in this post [Friday Frolic - Memo to Ashton Kutcher: We 'Dare' You to Challenge Whole Foods Market to a Twitter 'Tweet-Off' ] we reported on and wrote about actor and reality television show producer Ashton Kutcher's winning his "Tweet-off" against cable news network CNN, a challenge to see which one could reach 1 million followers on that the celebrity issued to the news network earlier this week, and which CNN accepted.

In our story we also issued a challenge to Ashton Kutcher (and in-turn to Whole Foods Market : Take on Whole Foods Market, which has the most followers of any grocer on Twitter, in a "Tweet-off."

Kutcher ( rose to fame not so much in the movies, although he does well, but rather because of the reality-based show he created for MTV called "Punked." For the uninformed, "PUNKING" a person is basically the same as pulling a well-crafted prank on them.

The premise of Kutcher's "Punked" show is that he and his team create elaborate pranks that they then pull-off on unsuspecting celebrities. Things like having a phony police officer pull the celebrity over and then launch into an elaborate roadside investigation, for example, complete with informing the celebrity that he or she outstanding warrants out for them and the like. When the celebrity is near meltdown point, Kutcher and his crew then jump out and tell the victim that he or she have been "PUNKED."

Kutcher is cashing in from a publicity standpoint today on his "Tweet-off" victory over CNN's CNN News Feed ( . You can view the details of the challenge and victory here: [April 17, 2008 - Friday Frolic - Memo to Ashton Kutcher: We 'Dare' You to Challenge Whole Foods Market to a Twitter 'Tweet-Off']

Earlier today Kutcher appeared on America's most popular daytime talk show, "Oprah" (no last name needed), and is appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live" this evening.

On "Oprah" Kutcher talked Twitter with Ms. Winfrey (caught us, we used her last name), including his "Tweet-off" victory over CNN.

His appearance on "Oprah," along with the CNN "Tweet-off," are getting some mention on in the form of "Tweets," which is "Twitter-talk" for the 140 word-maximum posts users, including Natural~Specialty Foods Memo (NSFM) ( make on the micro-blogging social media site.

Here is a "Tweet" about Ashton Kutcher's appearance on "Oprah" today that a Twitter-user made just minutes ago: Ashton Kutcher and Evan Williams Talk Twitter With Oprah [Video] via @mashable. Just click the link to view the video.

In response to that "Tweet," (and one other) Twitter-user ("Tweeter" perhaps) rveturis ( wrote and posted the three "Tweets" below on the topic:

>@LeviDayley I'm not following Ashton either! Celebs r annoying. They have enough influence & don't really add value. from Tweetie in reply to LeviDayley.

>That's hilarious!! Lets punk Ashton Kutcher - unfollow & bring him back to ZERO by Monday morning #unfollowfriday - please RT via @
debweeva from Tweetie.

>So can someone explain the Oprah thing today? Was this her 1st day on Twitter? I feel like I missed something ...
from Tweetie.

The "Tweet" of most particular interest and not is the one in the middle that we have in bold.

We ask: Is Ashton Kutcher getting a taste of his own medicine and getting "PUNKED" at this very moment on

Well...since rveturis' post there have been a couple others, saying they were going to "un-follow" (no longer follow) Ashton Kutcher ( on Twitter, so as to "PUNK" him.

The tale of the tape

When we published this piece [Friday Frolic - Memo to Ashton Kutcher: We 'Dare' You to Challenge Whole Foods Market to a Twitter 'Tweet-Off' ] at 1 p.m. today, Ashton Kutcher's Twitter feed had 1,049,833 followers. As of this moment he has 1,104,815 followers -- that's a net gain of 11, 054,982 in less than four hours today -- putting Kutcher thus far out of the "PUNKED" danger zone. OF course all the post-"Tweet-off" publicity is helping add followers.

But the "Punk Ashton Kutcher on Twitter" movement has just been launched.

Could it gain steam? If so that would be good news for Whole Foods Market in the event Kutcher "man's up" and embraces our challenge to challenge the natural grocery chain to a Twitter "Tweet-off," rather than basking in his glory of having defeated CNN.

After all, Kutcher ( has more than double the amount of followers that Whole Foods Market ( does at present. Therefore any loss of his followers do to "PUNKING" would put the natural grocer in a better position, although we don't think it matters, since if the challenge is made we think Whole Foods will pull out all of its natural and organic tricks to defeat Ashton Kutcher.

Of course, Whole Foods Market, which reads Natural~Specialty Foods Memo (NSFM) could beat Ashton Kutcher to the punch, taking advantage of his post-"Tweet-off" glow, and issue its own challenge to the actor-reality show producer-celebrity.

We suggest a Kutcher v. Whole Foods "Tweet-off" (specifics and details arranged by the two parties) in which the loser has to make a cash donation to the winner's favorite charity.

Earth Day is coming up on April 22. How about a "Tweet-off" of some kind between the two parties in which the loser donates money to the winner's favorite environmental organization, for example? Call it a "Green" "Tweet-Off" for Earth Day.

Bring it on!

[You can follow Natural~Specialty Foods Memo (NSFM) on at]

1 comment:

  1. Twitter won't let me unfollow Ashton Kutcher's feed. A Tweet on Twitter mentioned it too. The fix is in.
