Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Foodie Feature Memo: Brand Emeril (Lagasse) to the Rescue

Emeril Lagasse is a one man tour-de-force in the food world. He's a successful restaurant owner and chef, cookbook author, television cooking show host, appears on ABC's Good Morning America as the show's resident foodie, speaks to groups throughout the world about food and cooking, and is a specialty foods and gourmet cookware entrepreneur, who markets his Emeril's brand of specialty food products, which includes sauces, marinades, coffee, cooking spray, mustard, salad dressings, salsas, seasonings, spices, rubs, and his Emeril line of cookware and related kitchen gadgets.

He also has a line of Emeril brand food-related apparel, plus a corporate and consumer gift item line in which he includes bits and pieces of all of the branded products in his empire.

The Emeril brand of specialty foods are sold online, at supermarkets, and at specialty and natural foods stores.

Emeril's cookware and kitchen gadget line-cooking tools line,which has been one of his fastest-growing product line extensions, also is sold online, as well as at numerous medium-range -to- higher-end department and home-centered stores.

When it comes to the world of food and cooking, it's safe to say Emeril understands the term "line extensions." He's got the home kitchen -- from pantry, stove top and counter top to what the home chef wears to cook, and the recipes she uses to cook from -- covered.

But even Emeril and his marketing staff likely couldn't have thought about the latest line extension in the Emeril brand portfolio, or rather the new use a woman found for one of the celebrity chef and specialty foods entrepreneurs gourmet cookware line cooking pans.

A woman who is a big fan of everything Emeril, from his cookbooks and television shows to his branded specialty foods products -- and especially his cookware -- created a brand new use for one of those Emeril frying or saute pans recently -- and it was a spur of the moment brain storm.

You see, an intruder broke into her home and surprised her. But she in turn surprised him back by taking one of Emeril's cooking pans and beating the intruder over the head with it, thereby proving not only that cooking pans have more than one use, but also that Emeril's pan meets the stress test -- the handle did not fall off when she used it to club the intruder.

But enough said: A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. So feel free to view a video of the woman using one of Emeril's pans to fend off her household intruder. It's Friday after all, we can lighten up a bit.

Click her to watch the video.

We bet the woman is now one of Emeril's best customers. But we wonder: When she used the Emeril brand cooking pan on the intruder, did she also used the celebrity chef's famous tagline? That famous tagline -- "BAM!" of course.

1 comment:

  1. This by far more than anything else makes me glad I read this blog. what a HOOT. notice how gracious emeril is, though. whatever you think about his self marketing, his move to green tv and martha stewart, his product lines, he is mostly a gracious guy, which is why his stuff sells. and now we know they're good for other uses!!!
